Network of Interest Role and Members Benefits
Network of Interest Role
The Network of Interest is set up and operates as a liaison structure for stakeholders and experts to share their knowledge and expertise with the BECoop project in key deployment stages, incl. validation, networking and knowledge exchange. The role of the NoI in the context of the project may be summed up as follows:
- Populate the Knowledge Exchange Platform and contribute to the its various components such as the Repository of knowledge (incl. tools and services in the field of community bioenergy heating), the RESCoops Atlas (to update, inform and share their experiences of bioenergy community cases and community energy cases with high potential for replication and/or expansion in community bioenergy), the emarket environment (to showcase their available resources for biomass heating and supply chains for educational and informative purposes), the virtual forum (to join cross-regional networking, and knowledge exchanges and a dialogue among community bioenergy stakeholders)
- Participate in Thematic Groups that will act as Expert Panels in the following topics:
- Community energy building
- Biomass supply chains
- Business models for RESCoops
- Synergies with authorities and industry
- Bioenergy technologies and solutions
- Financing schemes and funding options
- Bioenergy Policy making
- International export consortia for bioenergy
The above list is indicative exhaustive and will be amended in accordance with the NoI members preferences, and the stakeholders and BECoop Cases (Pilot and Replication cases) needs. NoI members that will be joining the Mentoring Activities will be asked to setup a personal profile within the Knowledge Exchange Platform with basic information about their expertise, interests and motivations.
- Project Validation activities that will be done through the thematic group panels as key elements for the design, development and implementation of community bioenergy heating projects. The panels will leverage their expertise to validate BECoop actions, provide mentoring to our RESCoops and replication cases, fostering their vision for achieving the 2050 decarbonisation goals
- Networking activities by participating in matchmaking event for matchmaking seeking funding or collaboration
- Mentoring activities that will include participation in a peer-to-peer mentoring program Experts participating in community energy projects will engage in peer learning activities and matched with developing RESCoops. These include sharing information and experience through online meetings, work shadowing and study tours.
- BECoop dissemination activities to boost the spreading of the project’s impact as well as to support the replication of BECoop concept, methodologies, tools and services.
To fulfil this role, it is foreseen that the NoI members, during the course of the project, will operate mostly through digital means, and participate in activities on a voluntary ad-hoc basis.
Members Benefits
The project provides several benefits to its NoI members, such as:
- Networking opportunities and visibility as an expert stakeholder in a large multi-stakeholder community in the bioenergy and community bioenergy.
- Access to knowledge and practical tools generated by the project
- Unique opportunity to align the tools, services and policy recommendation offered by the BECoop with the needs of their stakeholders to ensure that they make the most out of its value propositions